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Learn Relaxation Techniques


I had my first session in a floatation tank the other day.

Boy…did it feel weird! But…how totally relaxed and
refreshed was I after an hour of floating in complete
darkness and silence!

I’m not a ‘new-age’ sort of guy…but I do know the value of
‘thinking time’. I don’t meditate…never got round to
learning how to do it properly.

But I do know how to relax. I relax by reading a good novel;
by spending an hour lying on the grass looking up at the
clouds, or by sitting and watching people go by in the
shopping center.

Making time for relaxation is as important as anything else
in my life (yes, including making money!). Without it…I
would soon start to get fed up of the constant pressure of
‘keeping up appearances’ and doing what is expected of me.

You will be surprised at how easy it is to find ways to
relax…and the benefits far outweigh any feelings you might
have of appearing to be lazy!

Action Point:

Do you make some time for relaxation in your life? (and, no
– this doesn’t include time in front of the TV!)

Don’t have time? Well…it’s the quality, and not the
quantity, of relaxing that is the key.

Spend just ten minutes a day relaxing in whatever way you
feel most comfortable…and you will be amazed at how it will
build up over time.

Relaxation is important…especially in the 24/7 world we
live in…so make sure that you invest some time in
recharging your batteries.

I had my first session in a floatation tank the other day.

Boy…did it feel weird! But…how totally relaxed and
refreshed was I after an hour of floating in complete
darkness and silence!

I’m not a ‘new-age’ sort of guy…but I do know the value of
‘thinking time’. I don’t meditate…never got round to
learning how to do it properly.

But I do know how to relax. I relax by reading a good novel;
by spending an hour lying on the grass looking up at the
clouds, or by sitting and watching people go by in the
shopping center.

Making time for relaxation is as important as anything else
in my life (yes, including making money!). Without it…I
would soon start to get fed up of the constant pressure of
‘keeping up appearances’ and doing what is expected of me.

You will be surprised at how easy it is to find ways to
relax…and the benefits far outweigh any feelings you might
have of appearing to be lazy!

Action Point:

Do you make some time for relaxation in your life? (and, no
– this doesn’t include time in front of the TV!)

Don’t have time? Well…it’s the quality, and not the
quantity, of relaxing that is the key.

Spend just ten minutes a day relaxing in whatever way you
feel most comfortable…and you will be amazed at how it will
build up over time.

Relaxation is important…especially in the 24/7 world we
live in…so make sure that you invest some time in
recharging your batteries.

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