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Self Improvement Mind Power Over Involuntary Body Functions – Article Search Engine

Self Improvement Mind Power Over Involuntary Body Functions – Article Search Engine: “Mind Power Over Involuntary Body Functions by STEVE GILLMAN

Self Improvement

Much has been written about the mind-body connection. Studies have shown that people can learn to control involuntary body functions consciously, using the power of their minds. But so much of the research has been challenged on the one side, and exaggerated on the other, that many of us are justifiably skeptical of claims for this kind of ‘mind power.’

Just how much can we control our bodies using the power of our minds? Let’s find out. There are simple and safe ways to experiment in this area.

Mind Power Over Autonomic Body Functions

When I was a child, my mother was studying yoga, and she taught me and my brothers how to relax and enter a meditative state. While in this state, we also found that we could ‘order’ the blood to flow to one arm or the other, causing a noticeable increase in the warmth of that arm. These little experiments were the first time that I realized how much control our minds really can have.

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